As your local private tutor, we are private instructors who teaches a specific subject or skill to an individual student or small group of students. Such attention ideally allows the student to improve knowledge or skills more rapidly than in a classroom setting.
Tutors for individuals or groups
Our tutors are privately hired and paid by the student, the student’s family or an agency. Some of our tutors are used for remedial students or others needing special attention. Some provide more advanced material for exceptionally capable and highly motivated students, or in the context of homeschooling.
Our tutoring programs can also the help one adult needs to study … as a specific course or subject that he/she is taking to get a better result. Our tutors can also let the student work on his/her own, and can be there if the student has any questions.
What subjects are available for tutoring?
We provide tutoring for language classes including English, French or Spanish. Math and science classes are available. Tutoring for home repairs, appliance repairs, lawn care, HVAC, plumbing, computer repair, floral designs and many many more.
Call Pro On-Site Tutoring at (555) 222-9988 for the best awarded tutors in town.
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